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Sep 09,2015
World’s Largest Protein Interaction Map Reveals Inner Workings of Cells
A multinational team of scientistssifted through cells of vastly different organisms, from amoebae to worms to mice to humans, to show how proteins fit together to build different tissues and bodies. They say they uncovered tens of thousands of new protein interactions, accounting for about a quarter of all estimated protein contacts in a cell.Read more
Sep 08,2015
Previously Banned Flu Research Yields New Vaccine Model
    A controversial technique to create flu viruses, now effectively banned, led to the discovery of a flu vaccine model that could be more reliable than today's main method using chicken eggs, according to a study by UW-Madison scientist Yoshihiro Kawaoka. In 2011, researchers published a study showing that a simple "gain-of-function” mutation in the highlyRead more
Sep 04,2015
Engineering Team Develops Targeted Drug Delivery to Treat Lung Diseases
    Researchers from Columbia Engineering and Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have developed a new method that can target delivery of very small volumes of drugs into the lung.  They believe their approach, in which micro-liters of liquid containing a drug are instilled into the lung, distributed as a thin film in the predetermined region ofRead more
Sep 04,2015
Brazilian Wasp Kills Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy Cells Alone
While most may view wasps as organisms derived from nature's sadistic division that engineered the perfect stinging machine, many scientists have been preoccupied with the venom produced by a particular Brazilian wasp species called Polybia paulista. Brazilian Wasp Venom Kills Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy Cells Alone. The wasp's venom contains a powerful "smart” drug thatRead more
Brazilian Wasp Kills Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy Cells Alone
Sep 03,2015
Defective Gene Links to Severity of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
    A new study is opening up avenues to detect more symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients. Researchers say that a gene previously linked to stress reactions appears to predict more severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms as well as a thinner cortex in regions of the brain critical for regulating strong emotions andRead more
Sep 03,2015
New Synthetic Tumor Environments Make Cancer Research More Realistic
    Tumors are notoriously difficult to study in their natural habitat — body tissues — but a new synthetic tissue environment may give cancer researchers the next-best look at tumor growth and behavior.  Scientists at the University of Illinois say they have developed a new technique to create hydrogels, which can realistically and quickly recreate microenvironmentsRead more
Sep 02,2015
Designer Proteins that Control Enzyme Activity
    Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalysts. Enzymes accelerate, or catalyze, chemical reactions.  The molecules at the beginning of the process are called substrates and the enzyme converts these into different molecules, called products. Enzymes are used in a wide range of commercial applications, such as the preparation of foods, dietary supplements, therapeutics, and chemical materials. TheRead more
Designer Proteins that Control Enzyme Activity
Sep 02,2015
DNA Nanoclews Could Thread the Needle of CRISPR
    CRISPRs (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences. CRISPR is part of a normally occurring bacterial process, though it has only recently been studied, as bacteria may incorporate foreign DNA in other circumstances and even scavenge damaged DNA from their environment.  Advances in genome editingRead more
Sep 02,2015
PDX models used in human surrogate trials are at the forefront of personalized medicine research
Clinical cancer research is a rapidly evolving industry, with personalized medicine now at the forefront of clinical trials. The promise of profiling a patient's genetic makeup to guide the drugs or treatments to either choose a more successful result or to minimize unpleasant or harmful side effects has obvious benefits. Another key goal for personalizedRead more
PDX models used in human surrogate trials are at the forefront of personalized medicine research
Sep 01,2015
Endocytosis Mobilizes Quick Wound Healing in Embryos
    Cell wounding is a common event in the life of many cell types, and the capacity of the cell to repair day-to-day wear-and-tear injuries, as well as traumatic ones, is fundamental for maintaining tissue integrity.  By taking in molecular debris along the periphery of wounded cells, unwounded cells give themselves the room they need toRead more
Endocytosis Mobilizes Quick Wound Healing in Embryos